Service Inventory Biz

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PA Market

GET /service Key points

  • /service endpoint can be used for Number Validation (FIXED Users) and also for service subscriptions for FIXED and POSTPAID.
  • Below mentioned fields need to pass as Mandatory under queryParams - Customer Account Number
  • Security Headers client ID and client secret are mandatory to pass under Headers to access API.
  • If we want to retrieve list of "Active" services, then we need to provide queryParam "state" as "W"
  • By default API retrieves all services associated with the account number.
  • Few possible values for "state" field in response are:
         "W" - "Activo"
         "C" - "Cesado"
         "Z" - "Cancelado antes Activo"
  • List of serviceTypes are:
               "CE" - "Cellular"
               "TI" - "IPTV"
               "DS" - "Digital Service"
               "IN" - "Internet Service"
               "TP" - "Telephone"
               "LC" - "Leased Circuit"
